Why Trust Homes Guide?

We help You to find the best product for your home

Everyone can consult the technical characteristics of a product. But it takes time to compare dozens of products with each other and find out the best one for your sweet home.

We know how important your time is, and this is why we are here to help.

At Homesguide, you will find hundreds of kitchen and home improvement product reviews, especially crafted for you to provide honest insights about each one. 

We typically spend hours researching each product, sifting through product details from A to Z, user reviews and opinions, expert testing videos, and analysis to tell you everything you need to know about the product.

We understand each reader has their own needs, and it’s not just about choosing that “fits the bill” – it’s about finding the best choice for your particular need!

That’s why we encourage you to read our carefully crafted guides so you can make the best decision while buying your favorite kitchen and home improvement products. 

How We Work?

Homesguide has set itself a challenge: to recommend the right product to you, among the dozen available, whatever your needs, your budget, or your lifestyle.

Before, choosing your microwave oven was easy: you just had to go to the appliance store next to your home, check out the models on the shelf, and then make your choice. But that was before…

Today, when you want to invest in a product, you are spoiled for choice, especially among all the features offered and which you will never use.

In reality, few purchases will really satisfy us. The larger the offer, the more we hesitate and end up with a product that does not correspond at all to our expectations and use. 

Whether it is too complicated to use or on the contrary not versatile enough, the result is the same: you regret your purchase.

This is exactly where Homesguide.net comes in to solve this problem!

We sort out all the information for a given product for you, from a functional point of view, as well as ease of use, robustness, or budget so that you can make the right choice. 

We perform a detailed analysis of several products available in that category. Through in-depth online research, we target the key points to look at before buying, and then we write a buying guide, suitable for ALL.

This buying guide is not only a summary of the technical characteristics, but it is also a practical guide, a common thread that should be used to guide your choice, taking into account the specific properties of the product (power, noise level, weight …) than its various functions, which set it apart from its competitors.
This allows us to recommend the top products by category to you in a wide variety of areas.

But how do we cover the costs related to the server, research, writing, and customer support? Do we get paid by brands to recommend this or that product? The answer is “NO”.

When you buy through a link, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. This commission is given by the platform on which you choose to buy (Amazon, or others), as a business provider.

This operating method allows us to remain 100% independent of brands, and always supported by our readers! This is the choice we made to continue to offer our guides and advice to as many people as possible, free of charge and independently.

We know that each of our readers has their own needs and that one product is not suitable for all. We, therefore, offer alternatives by use or budget, meeting specific needs.

Our research on the internet, in newspapers, as well as reading dozens of user reviews allows us to select the best products from each sub-category. In addition, our total independence allows us to sift through, all the products and present to you the strong points, and the weak points and to speak to you about them as if we were advising a friend!

Our goal is to make your life easier with your entire kitchen, home, garden, leisure, and more purchases! If we are successful in our mission, then talk about it around you and bring our community to life! If not, tell us about it, and we will do our best to improve!

We write for you with our Love ❤️ 

The Homesguide

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Homesguide.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This means, as an Amazon Associate, Homesguide.net earn from qualifying purchases with no additional cost to you. This operating method allows us to remain 100% independent of brands, and always supported by our readers!